Firstline Schools: Live Oak

School address information is accurate as of the 2019-2020 school year.   

3128 Constance St
New Orleans, LA 70115

Phone: (504) 324-4207
School Hours: 7:15 AM-3:00 PM
Geographic Area: Irish Channel
Geographic Zone: Irish Channel

Grades Served This Year: PK4 - 8th
Grades Served Next Year: PK4 - 8th

School Leadership

Principal: Dione Singleton
Board Chair: Greg St. Etienne
Charter Organization: Firstline Schools
Authorizer: OPSB

Mission Statement / Programmatic Model:
At FirstLine Live Oak Charter School, we commit to providing a safe and nurturing environment that promotes diversity, achievement, and character development that primes scholars to attend a college preparatory high school, succeed in college and careers, and become productive citizens.

School Performance

Most New Orleans public schools are charter schools, public schools governed by non-profit boards. Each board is given a contract to operate their charter school for a number of years. When the contract is up for renewal, the Orleans Parish School Board or Louisiana Department of Education uses school performance to determine if the contract should be renewed. If the school hasn’t demonstrated acceptable performance, it may close at the end of the school year, or be taken over by a new non-profit board. 

Letter Grade: D
SPS: 50.9
Renewal Year: 2022-2023
School Finder Page: Live Oak's School Report Card


How to apply, who is eligible to attend, and what factors determine which students are assigned. For more info on priorities and how OneApp works, click here.

Application Process: OneApp
Applications Due: 01/31/2020

Firstline Schools: Live Oak

Grade PK4

Eligibility: Orleans Parish residents who meet income requirements and/or have a current IEP and who will turn 4 years old by September 30 of the year school begins.
Priority: Applicants with an IEP, siblings of continuing students, children of current school staff, applicants who reside within a half-mile of the school for up to 25% of available seats, applicants who reside in ZIP code(s) 70115, 70118, 70125 for up to 25% of available seats, all other applicants.

Grades K - 8

Eligibility: Orleans Parish residents
Priority: Siblings of continuing students, applicants who reside within a half-mile of the school for up to 25% of available seats, applicants who reside in ZIP code(s) 70115, 70118, 70125 for up to 25% of available seats, all other applicants.

School Features

Highlighted program offerings, transportation details, and other provided services.

Transportation: Yes
Before Care: Yes
After Care: Yes
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes

Features & Programs:
Arts-integrated classes

Jumpstart Pathways:
Jumpstart is only offered for programs with grades 9-12

Team Sports / After School Activities:
Sports: Enrichment programs focused on visual arts, music and dance, academic tutoring, and band.

Language Support:
Interpretation Available: full-time in Spanish | Translation Available: ESL services provided as needed; Multilingual faculty, staff and administrators; Small-group ESL services

Student Support Services:
Arts-Expression Based Interventions; Community Partnerships

Special Education Model:
Instruction provided in a variety of settings, including regular education classrooms, pullout/resource and self-contained classes